Quick profile
As a subsidiary of the French power supply company Électricité de France (EDF), Hynamics Deutschland GmbH contributes the competence of the entire EDF Group towards the WESTKÜSTE100 consortium. For over 25 years, the EDF Group has been committed to the decarbonisation of the industry and has positioned itself as a provider of solutions for the transition in the energy sector.
In 2020, the EDF Group founded Hynamics Deutschland GmbH, thus signalling its commitment in the field of green hydrogen. Hynamics Deutschland GmbH develops green hydrogen solutions for industrial customers in Germany, supporting them from project development, design, the investments, and the construction through to operating the water electrolysis facilities. Based on the water electrolysis operated with electricity from renewable sources, Hynamics Deutschland’s solutions offer an answer to the challenges of decarbonisation.
Activities in the real-world laboratory
As a provider of decarbonisation solutions for industrial customers, Hynamics Deutschland GmbH is investigating the electrolytic production and use of green hydrogen in a multivariant overall system as part of the WESTKÜSTE100 project. The topics considered include the economic production, the industrial use, and the further processing of green hydrogen. In particular in WESTKÜSTE100 Hynamics investigates the use of green hydrogen in a refinery, taking into account renewable energy sources and its hydrogen demand. Thus, Hynamics investigates optimised operation of future large-scale electrolysis plants, develops future models for the simulation of renewable electricity supply and considers thermodynamic process simulations taking into account non-ideal gas: Hydrogen.
“The WESTKÜSTE100 project unites the competence and values of highly committed partners. Through the joint development of production and demand, we are currently demonstrating, on a large scale, that hydrogen in integrated industrial projects is the key to a successful energy transition. The findings and experience obtained within the scope of the project pave the way to a sustainable future.”
Long-term vision
The concepts and models explored are used to work on a potential extension of the 30 MW plant in Heide, and to set up further large-scale facilities in Germany. Hynamics thus sees itself as a future grid-serving operator of small and large hydrogen production plants and pursues the final goal of contributing towards the decarbonisation of industry and mobility by means of green hydrogen and its derivates.