Real-world Lab­o­ra­to­ry “WESTKÜSTE100” wel­comes stim­u­lus pack­age and nation­al hydro­gen strat­e­gy

(Heide, June 23rd 2020) Both the recently published and comprehensive economic stimulus and future technologies programme of Germany’s grand coalition and the freshly adopted national hydrogen strategy are being seen by the partners in the project Real-world Laboratory Westküste 100 as pleasing and crucial stepping stones towards fostering urgently required investment in climate protection and future technologies. These measures represent a vital precondition for tackling the major transitions that are needed as regards energy and integration (sector coupling).

The mission of the Westküste 100 partners is to implement long-term collaboration on an industrial scale, ranging from the generation of green electricity and hydrogen transport to the production of synthetic hydrocarbons. Such cooperation is to form the nucleus of sustainable business models relating to energy transition and decarbonisation.

“The decisions now made by the federal government – the envisaged exemption of hydrogen production from the renewable energy levy, establishing regulatory principles for expanding the hydrogen infrastructure, transposition of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), strategically increasing offshore capacities – are aligned with our efforts to translate into practice the Westküste 100 vision of a 700 MW power plant. The investment aid envisaged by the stimulus package should significantly accelerate the relevant decision-making and scaling, and the establishment of new regional value chains in Schleswig-Holstein in particular,” explains Jürgen Wollschläger, managing director of Raffinerie Heide and coordinator of Real-world Laboratory Westküste 100.

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Christoph Lapczyna | PLÜCOM
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